ON LINE Technology

1.- A link is created and distributed among a sample.
2.- Testing & data is collected remotely.
3.- The results are analyzed.
4. Delivery of the final report.

Eyetracking on line

Click on the RealEye website

Haz click en la web de RealEye
Manage your own dashboards of the programs to be used. Consulting is available for your reports and analyses.
Facial Recognition

Facial Coding

Facial Recognition
Analysis of micro facial expressions to obtain information on emotions, valence, moods, confusion and engagement.
Implicit Association Test

IAT Online

Implicit Association Test
Methodology for measuring implicit reactions to attributes of a brand or product. It allows us to know people's unconscious preferences.

Tecnologia OFF LINE

1. The sample is recruited in person.
2. Data is collected in situ.
3. The results are analyzed.
4. Delivery of the final report.

Lenses for personal use

Eyetracker Glasses (Wearable)

Lenses for personal use
It measures user experience, where the participant must move, such as in shopper studios (consumers), public roads, physical products, among others

Eye Tracker

Eye Tracking
It allows you to test any type of stimulus that can be presented on a screen. You can analyze web pages, virtual shelves, TV commercials, among others.
Facial Recognition

Facial Coding

Facial Recognition
Analysis of micro facial expressions to obtain information on emotions, valence, moods, confusion and engagement.

Implicit Association Test

Implicit Association Test

Methodology for measuring implicit reactions to attributes of a brand or product. It allows us to know people's unconscious preferences.

Galvanic Response

GSR Galvanic Response

Analysis of reactions of impact on the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), to measure the level of effect against a stimulus.
A sensor that measures the electrical conductivity of the skin.

RTA (Restrospective Think Aloud)

Retrospective thinking aloud, past events or actions.
It analyzes images captured by the eyetracker and the participant's visual behavior

Our Partners

RealEye representatives for Latin America, together with our partners OneCode, Evolutiva Neuroresearch, Fujiy and AdvanceMarketing