QAbout Us

We have more than 20 years of professional experience in marketing and consulting studies.

ERK Neuroconsulting has the most experience in the market of eyetracking services, neuromarketing and biometric tools, throughout Latin America.

We have been working for 20 years advising large and medium-sized market researchers, MKT agencies and marketing departments of companies.

Our network of partners in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico allow us to cover and respond to the requirements of our customers in the aforementioned countries and in the rest of Latin America.

Using our knowledge, experience in the market and in eyetracking, we disseminate and commercialize, support, advise and study throughout Latin America.


Our Partners

RealEye representatives for Latin America, together with our partners OneCode, Evolutiva Neuroresearch, Fujiy and AdvanceMarketing